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The Grain of Sand and the Blade of Grass

Individualism can be either the worst or the best of things, depending on whether it resembles a grain of sand or a blade of grass. The grain of sand has no attachments; it is free as the wind. But it is also at the mercy of the wind, blown about from place to place until it settles, a nameless particle lost in the mass. By contrast, each blade of grass is rooted in the earth, energized by the sun, and intertwined with the others that surround it. Bound to place and to each other, the blades of grass form a living community that can be likened to a people.



The Sea and LifePollinationResilienceThe Art of the GraftThe Canary in the MachineThe Grain of Sand and the Blade of GrassSocial GardeningThe Bird that tells the HoursMidas the Dis-enchanter, or Instrumental Reason



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Jacques Dufresne's

The editor of L'Encyclopédie de L'Agora and well known newspaper chronicler and philosopher, analyses actuality through the looking glass of Belonging.
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