Yesterday evening I had one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Where? In the Montreal underground subway. With whom? With Marie Antoinette Parisio and other members of L'Arche London, especially Janet. We had participated together in an evening of Taize prayer. Fifteen hundred people, mainly young people, had filled the Church of St. Alphonse in Montreal. In Taize prayer gatherings, chanting is central and it was very beautiful. Even more beautiful was the joy of the people of L'Arche London. A very small, thin woman in her 50s was so happy to participate in this event that, still filled with joy, she continued to move to the music as we rode the subway. Those who were already seated offered their seats to the people of L'Arche who, with those who accompanied them, formed the most joyful human group that I have ever encountered in my life.