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Plato, the philosopher of ideas, but also of love, compares the infinitesimal, divine part of our being to the pupil of the eye, which is a mirror, the mirror of lovers. He adds: It is in fixing our sight on this internal mirror in the being of the beloved that we are able to better see ourselves. To love, to know oneself, and thus to value oneself are one and the same thing.

Jacques Dufresne
Jean Vanier, the co-founder of L’Arche, is often immediately compared with Mother Teresa or even St. Francis of Assisi. He truly has been, and remains, the friend of people living with intellectual disabilities, and we admire such people a trifle too easily, ignoring – or pretending to ignore – the fact that a superficial, precipitous, conventional admiration makes it unnecessary to...

La poupée mutilée

"The words of a small girl whose only toy is an old, dirty, and mangled doll. Someone says to her: “Your doll is ugly!” She puts her doll on her chest, covers her in caresses, and responds, offering the doll to the other, saying: 'Now, she’s beautiful!'"
Gustave Thibon,
L'ignorance étoilée


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Jacques Dufresne's

The editor of L'Encyclopédie de L'Agora and well known newspaper chronicler and philosopher, analyses actuality through the looking glass of Belonging.
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